Nonlocal Lagrangian

In field theory, a nonlocal Lagrangian is a Lagrangian, a type of functional  \mathcal{L}[\phi(x)] which contains terms which are nonlocal in the fields  \ \phi(x) i.e. which are not polynomials or functions of the fields or their derivatives evaluated at a single point in the space of dynamical parameters (eg. space-time). Examples of such nonlocal Lagrangians might be

 \mathcal{L} = \frac{1}{2}(\partial_x \phi(x))^2 - \frac{1}{2}m^2 \phi(x)^2 %2B \phi(x) \int{\frac{\phi(y)}{(x-y)^2} \, d^ny}
 \mathcal{L} = - \frac{1}{4}\mathcal{F}_{\mu \nu}(1%2B\frac{m^2}{\partial^2})\mathcal{F}^{\mu \nu}
S=\int dt \, d^dx \left[\psi^*(i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}%2B\mu)\psi-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\nabla \psi^*\cdot \nabla \psi\right]-\frac{1}{2}\int dt \, d^dx \, d^dy \, V(\vec{y}-\vec{x})\psi^*(\vec{x})\psi(\vec{x})\psi^*(\vec{y})\psi(\vec{y})
The Wess–Zumino–Witten action

Actions obtained from nonlocal Lagrangians are called nonlocal actions. The actions appearing in the fundamental theories of physics, such as the Standard Model, are local actions - nonlocal actions play a part in theories which attempt to go beyond the Standard Model, and also appear in some effective field theories. Nonlocalization of a local action is also an essential aspect of some regularization procedures. Noncommutative quantum field theory also gives rise to nonlocal actions.